Category Archives: What Is Happen?

This is an unmitigated disaster.

Lately, I’ve been feeling a little nostalgic. Therefore, I decided to look up places where I used to live on Google Maps’ streetview. Then, out of curiosity, I decided to look up an apartment community that I used to live at.

As I did, I was hit with the community’s rent, which nearly doubled since my time there, just over a decade ago.

It was unbelievable. So, I looked up rent for other places in the area, and the trend was consistent.

It’s only been a few years since I last checked. And just within the last few years, rent has skyrocketed to the point of nearly doubling.

I can tell you why this so deeply affects me. Back when I last lived in that community, I worked a full-time retail job, but somehow lived on what little I made. On most months, I barely scraped by. Most of the time, I was concerned about my finances, because there was nothing I could do to save a significant amount. If anything went even slightly wrong, my financial situation would have been a disaster.

Right now, I’m much better off. But I couldn’t try living the same way I did in the same place, if I were to make the same money. If anyone tried now, what are they supposed to do?

I’ll throw some numbers your way: On the typical month, I took home about $1100 per month. Rent got to be about $800 per month. Of the rest, most went towards other expenses like bills, leaving me with about $30 to spend on stuff to eat. For the time being, I’ll leave you to imagine the kind of food that I ate.

But if the rent were to instead be $1500 per month? Just forget about it, unless you were to share the one-bedroom apartment with one or two other guys.

Lately, I’ve been entertaining the thought of moving back near my hometown. But now? That doesn’t seem reasonable.

Thinking on what could have happened in the last few years that might have resulted in this, there’s one thing that springs readily to mind: an explosion in unchecked immigration has caused demand to soar. Companies like BlackRock have profited huge off of shitty policy that has fucked Americans over, and the current dogwater administration has done jack-all outside of enabling it.

If you’re poor and just getting by, leave a comment and let me know how you’re getting it to work out.

Jews in NYC Riot Over Tunnel

This morning, I opened up X, saw a story about Jewish tunnels in New York City, and thought, “Oh boy, now what is it?”.

Apparently, a tunnel was discovered connecting a Synagogue in NYC to a grate across the street. Since its discovery, the city proceeded to attempt to fill the tunnel up, sparking a riot among the Chabad Jews who carved the tunnel, apparently because they really liked their tunnel.

There’s a bit of misinformation going around about how the tunnel might have been built so that Jews could access their Synagogue during the Covid lockdowns, but if we’re being honest, it’s still not completely clear what purpose the tunnel served. As one might expect, the intellectual dead-ends who blame the Jews for every last problem that they have were quick to assume the worst, because of course they would.

I’ll be honest and say that I’m no expert when it comes to Judaism, but from what little I know, among the Jews, the Chabads are considered to be something of an outlier, similar to how the Mormons are viewed by the rest of Christianity. I really don’t know what kind of religious justification there could be for a tunnel going from a synagogue.

But whatever the reason may be, a bunch of people in black suits and funny hats flew into a rage at the prospect of the city of New York filling the tunnel back up.

If you wanna see, and I don’t blame you, I managed to find someone on social media that hosted a video that had an impartial tone:

Also, I’ll share this because I found the picture cute. Mozel tov mouseys!

There’s also some disinformation about this story going around. Which is to be expected, because there is potential to defame the Jews, and there’s an excess of sub-room-temp-IQ wignats who defied the rules of natural selection to survive to the point that wireless internet can be set up for them, with the rest of us probably paying for it in some way. Dispelling disinformation is not my job, and if it was, it’d be a full time job, and probably wouldn’t pay enough considering the muck one would have to sift through. Among these is the claim that the tunnel led to an elementary school across the street, and was used to expedite a child-trafficking ring.

So, I entered “Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters” on Google Maps to check to see whether an elementary school was, in fact, across the street from the Synagogue. This is what I found:

All one really had to do was check Google Maps and see for themselves that there’s no elementary school across the street from the Synagogue in question. If you fell for the lie, then the world must be a scary and confusing place for you. Which it is for the rest of us, but perhaps much more so for you.

As for what the tunnel was really about, I suppose we’ll find out from much brighter people in the days ahead. But considering the sheer number of Jewish facilities in the area, I suspect that they wanted an access tunnel, and went ahead and carved one out without the city’s permission. Which is irresponsible, considering the danger of sinkholes and the possibility of a tunnel collapse. I know that crossing the street can be quite an inconvenience in a place like New York City, but carving a tunnel is quite the investment of time, itself.

If you can think of a conspiracy theory involving Jewish tunnels that actually sounds intelligent, please share in the comments. I’m still yet to hear one.

Bin Laden and the Algorithmic Manipulators

Before we get into this, I’m curious how many of you had “leftists voice agreement with Osama Bin Laden” on your bingo card for 2023. It’s understandable if you didn’t, but what a year this is turning out to be.

In the year 2002, Osama Bin Laden, the very same Bin Laden that ran the terror network Al Qaeda, had issued a letter titled, A Letter to America, wherein he laid out his rationale for the 9/11 terror attacks.

I, for one, am skeptical that Bin Laden actually authored the letter, as he had initially steadfastly denied being involved in the attacks, and each of the hijackers actually attended the Al Quds mosque in Hamburg, Germany, which was never shut down, as far as I could tell.

In the letter, Bin Laden pointed out that there was no such thing as innocent civilians in the U.S.’s democracy, pointing out that his violent actions were a reaction to the policy positions of representatives that civilians voted into office. He voiced such an opposition to U.S. policy that it sounded suspiciously like it was intended to feed into a casus belli for further American intervention. Hopefully it’s understandable why I’m skeptical.

The letter had been published by British news outlet The Guardian, who took it down when a recent spate of TikTok videos appeared expressing surprise at the contents of the letter, with some expressing agreement with Bin Laden’s sentiments, saying that they’ve had their preconceived notions challenged, and encouraging their viewers to also read the letter.

Normally, I’d embed at least one example of such a video here, but I’m not doing that this time, for a reason that I’ll get into later on in this post.

When it comes to a letter from Osama Bin Laden, I’m curious what people were expecting. Did they expect something like five paragraphs of hand-wringing and mustache-twirling, proceeded by cartoon-villain cackling? The guy had a following, and he had a following for a reason: he was able to justify his positions, even if through faulty reasoning, and he did so in such a way that would have been considered convincing to those who lacked the ability to comprehend true evil, or at least those who would be dumb enough to fall for his arguments.

People with bad positions are usually able to justify their positions. Take the flat-earthers, for example. People know that flat-earthers are wrong. However, they take for granted that flat-earthers are wrong. So when they get into a debate with one, they imagine that it will be a piece-of-cake slam dunk victory. But then the debate begins, and the flat-earther runs circles around them, because they know how the game is played, they have rhetorical deceit down to a science, they came prepared with arguments that most people are not prepared for, and they themselves came prepared for the arguments and rebuttals that they could reasonably expect. The result is that a typical, middle-of-the-road thinker is left to kick dust on the way home, knowing that he lost a debate to a flat-earther.

While we’re at it, I’m curious as to what people think is in Hitler’s Mein Kampf. While it’s true that much of it is a hateful tirade made to appeal to one with an external locus of control, it’s also a political manifesto that would have been considered encouraging to a German who would have felt downtrodden in Hitler’s time.

Evil people are able to justify their wickedness, even if their reasoning is deeply flawed. To them, what most would see as wicked may be what they see as justifiable, or even banal.

By way of another example, there’s also the manifesto of Ted Kazynski, the person who is popularly known as the Unabomber. When his manifesto was published, the expectation would have understandably been the ramblings of a deluded psychopath who believed that the moon followed him as he walked around. As it turns out, he made some points about society that many people considered valid.

Returning to Bin Laden, I wonder how many people out there have forgotten that he was a religious zealot, whose own religion is pretty-much everything that a stereotypical leftist pretends that Christianity is. Bin Laden was an Islamist, who wanted to implement Sharia in the west.

The following is a few of Bin Laden’s policy positions:

  • Executing gays,
  • Normalizing slavery (and no, I’m not kidding),
  • Outlawing bacon,
  • Outlawing grown-up beverages,
  • Outlawing non-religious music,
  • A functionally-retarded banking system that’s somehow supposed to run without interest,
  • Normalizing pederasty, which has been legal in Afghanistan for decades,
  • State-sponsorship of a cult that discourages the pursuit of anything outside of itself,
  • That science is not allowed to question, among other things, that the earth is flat,
  • A judicial system that’s so capricious that tyrants are needed to maintain order,
  • That the testimony of a woman is either 1/2 or 1/4 that of a man in courts of law.

There’s a lot more. And a bunch of simpletons are impressed with this guy?

Now, let’s get into the reason why I’m not leaving a video embed in this post. Personally, I doubt that these people actually believe what they’re saying. The fact is, the TikTok algorithm boosts what gets plenty of engagement, and what’s rage-inducing (such as police-brutality videos) tend to get more attention. I suspect that these are just people who know how the game is played, and are attempting to farm the algorithm for views. I don’t want to give them a signal boost, because I don’t want them to have more attention.

But even if they don’t believe it, they still have followings that may take their words for it. And that’s how attempts to game an algorithm can have potentially harmful outcomes. We’ve already seen how videos of police brutality have inspired looting and rioting. Now, there are social media influencers out to make a quick buck who don’t care about the long-term social damage that can occur as a result of algorithmic manipulation.

But if the social media influencers were sincere, then there’s no telling how they’ll react when they get around to reading something that’s actually reasonable, such as the basic philosophical underpinnings of Libertarianism, or that of Austrian economics.

To get to the heart of the matter, however eloquent that his justifications could have possibly been, it still remains that Osama Bin Laden was a murderous nutjob who hid behind his religion, which played a significant role in motivating him to become the killer he ended up becoming.

Now, the indoctrinators of the political left are looking on in horror as the very children that they indoctrinated went on to side with terrorists like Al Qaeda and Hamas, simply because those terrorist organizations have been using similar rhetoric to justify themselves. And now said indoctrinators are losing control of the very generation with which they had hoped to usher in a revolution, and are losing control of them to a bunch of religious fanatics who are far more hateful than even themselves.

I can think of no better way to fight back than to make it known why their new ideology is not worth fighting for. Just because it’s obvious to me why this is the case doesn’t mean that everyone can be reasoned with.

If it turns out that the letter actually was a U.S. psy-op, the consequences might almost be funny. Except not quite.

Chris Chan is back.

It’s hard to imagine this ending well. But then again, there’s a lot about this that turned out different from what I had imagined.

Chris Chan is back online.

This is just what he shouldn’t be doing. Much of his troubles got started when he first appeared online, attracting the curiosity of people around the world, including those who would mess with him.

Okay, he had problems even before he became e-famous. But if all he did was stalk women at shopping centers before security told him to leave, and act like an asshole at Pokémon TCG Leagues, that would have been better for him.

But nope, he got a web presence. And after people criticized him, he attempted damage control, and in so doing, made things far worse for himself. After a while, it became hard to tell how much of his antics were a result of people messing with him, and how much of it would have been him, anyway.

When it comes to this kind of person, it’s better to look on rather than become involved in some way. People who try trolling or otherwise get close to Chris usually end up regretting it, as they get attention that they ended up not wanting.

As messed up as Chris Chan is, just about everyone was surprised when he was arrested, accused of committing incest with his own mother. That was about the point that your boomer daddy might have heard about him from an old-fashioned news outlet. After that, anyone who held out hope for Chris Chan changing for the better were collectively disappointed, and dropped him like a hot rock.

After that came a mostly obscure legal battle, which was largely kept from public view, and after two years, Chris’s lawyer somehow succeeded in getting the case dismissed. I don’t go breaking laws, but if I were to get in legal trouble, I’d want that lawyer on my side.

After all that, what do you imagine would be the smartest thing Chris could do? Easy: Keep a reduced online presence, and mind his own business.

And the thing was, things were starting to look great for him. He somehow actually managed to find a girlfriend. As hard as it is to imagine a woman so desperate that she’d be willing to mash pissers with Chris Chan, it seems it happened. Incels, what’s your excuse?

Chris Chan might actually have Crystal Chandler’s little pitter-pattering footsteps in his near future, and all he has to do is avoid fucking things up for himself. Again.

But rather than stay offline, he instead gets on his old YouTube channel, and posts this mess:

(DISCLAIMER: Chris Chan is horrendous at singing.)

I was hoping that his whole messiah complex was just malingering, a sad attempt at an insanity defense, to be dropped like a sack of sadness as soon as it was no longer of any use to him. To continue in a charade that would result in most Abrahamic religions calling for one’s death would seem kind of counterproductive. But no, not only does he keep going with that, he speaks in the same tone as his deranged prison letters.

One thing that one might notice about this video is that Chris discovered green screens. He also learned some of the basics of video editing, and used it to edit in clips of his ponderous form gyrating as he sings bastardized Pokémon music. The video eventually degrades into multiple copies of himself onscreen, dancing in nightmarish unison.

If you’re familiar with tabletop RPGs, you’ll probably know what I mean when I say that Chris is like a character that the player gave a bunch of drawbacks during the character creation process in an effort to get some bonus points, but then the player forgot to spend the bonus points before the campaign began, and the player decided to play the character, anyway.

And now the collection of natural threes is back online.

Now, if you haven’t been following along, you might be thinking like Otaku King, and getting the idea that you can help Chris, if you could properly coach him. First, you’d be far from the only person who has had that idea. Second, pay attention to what Chris does near the end of the video, when he points to the puncture wounds in his hands.

Didn’t see them? That’s because they weren’t there.

Now, imagine how delusional that a person has to be that, when they hold their hands in front of their own face, they see a couple of huge wounds that aren’t actually there. Would you really think you can help someone like that?

You might wonder what I think is going to happen with Chris Chan, next. I really don’t know. Him getting off scot free after committing incest, him somehow finding a girl who wouldn’t mind having a boyfriend who committed incest and overlook the fact that he’s Chris Chan, and now he’s apparently returned to the home his mother was living in, so much of it is stuff I wouldn’t have expected.

Who knows, maybe Crystal Chandler will actually happen.

“You told me you’d take responsibility.”

But I’d feel so bad for the kid. Especially if it was a boy, because then Chris might attempt to change his gender. And he might attempt to change it the same way he attempted to change his own.

Some direct sunshine would be nice about now.

UPDATE: If you’re wearing headphones and are up for some more nasal screeching in your left ear ASMR, Chris made another video addressing the claims that he had sex with his mother, and he brought up the girl he was seen with.

If you’re not up for hearing more of him, I don’t blame you. But in summary, he steadfastly denies being in a sexual relationship with anyone in the year 2021, when he was arrested, and specifically denied being intimate with Barbara Chandler.

This is in spite of the fact that, in the very same year, he claimed to be in a relationship with an older woman, and would later admit that it was his own mother in a recorded call with Janke, when he made a completely unprompted confession to someone he thought he could confide in.

His defense is that the recording was spliced by Janke herself, which would have required tools and expertise that would have been unavailable to most college students at the time. Granted, we do live in the age of deepfakes now, and she had a computer professional in her family. And it’s also hard to completely discount the possibility that Chris confessed to a crime he may not have committed.

Also related to Janke, Chris brought up that he is aware that her ambition was to try to convince Chris to end his own life. I find it easy to believe that he came to that realization in hindsight, thanks to the help of people who documented the interactions between the two, which he does have access to. He does have the internet, after all. There’s nothing stopping him from seeing what people are saying about him.

As for the girl Chris has been seen with, we now have a moniker for her: Flutter. Chris called her that because she likes the MLP character, Fluttershy. Chris didn’t go as far as saying that she’s his girlfriend, but considering how close he was with her in photos, it seems likely the case.

Right now, it’s pretty obvious that Chris believes that at least one aspect of his “dimensional merge” has come to pass, and he believes that he’s Thanos-snapped the worst of the people away, leaving the people who are better or at least possess a capacity for changing for the better. That’s one heck of a cope, but there’s some crazy stuff believed by some crazy people.

He still seems to believe that he’s Jesus, but like many people today with similar delusions, he gets some details wrong. He says that Jesus was crucified in Nazareth, apparently thinking Jesus was crucified in the place where Jesus was born. He also believes that Jesus was pierced in the palms of his hands, which is a popular misconception that we can expect from someone whose ideas about Jesus came from popular media. The fact is, the nails would have gone through Jesus’s wrists.

Another false prophet, like so many of his kind, getting things wrong while expecting everyone to take him seriously.

Chris Chan is back, and he’s in damage-control mode. I doubt that things are going to turn out well for him.

This is sad.

You know that a man has a passion when he’s willing to turn away a sweet opportunity for it. And that’s just what we see in the following video:

Your eyes didn’t deceive you. A woman who was at least average met a man who was well below average on a dating game, and the man dismissed her out-of-hand because she wasn’t into Marvel movies.

The more I think about it, the sadder it gets.

For one thing, the guy clearly has an addiction. That’s what it’s called when someone allows something to interfere with other, more important areas of their life. And from a biological perspective, nothing a person does is more important than the continuity of their genes. To that end, a person seeks a partner of the opposite sex. But Marvel Movie Guy turned down a woman who’s well out of his league because she didn’t care for his taste in movies.

What’s more, there’s the fact that he wasn’t willing to give her a chance, just like that, over something so trivial. The fact is, relationships succeed with compromise. The two people involved are separate individuals, and won’t agree on everything. Because of this, relationships work better when both parties understand that they won’t always see eye-to-eye. And when that comes to a different taste in movies, that’s not usually a big deal.

Except, with Marvel Movie Guy, it is a big deal. And with him, not liking them is up there as an instant dealbreaker like smoking and belief in astrology would be to most men.

While we’re criticizing the guy to a pulp, I’ll also take the opportunity to point out that Marvel Movie Guy is not attractive. He looks like he already has a thing going on with food, and it’s an abusive relationship. Aren’t Hawaiian print shirts normally a little loose? But that guy was filling his right up!

I’d have imagined that the woman would have been the one to dismiss him on sight. When it comes down to it, one’s appearance is the most obvious outward sign of one’s virtues, and to that end, physical fitness says a lot.

I don’t know what the guy plans on doing going forward. Especially now that he’s got an online rep for being the guy who turned down a woman because she wasn’t into Marvel movies. Once he develops some amount of self-consciousness, he’s going to realize that he’s got a lot to live down.

Also, the woman called Marvel movies “anime”. That’s cute.

Ohio Becomes Ground Zero For Enormous Ecological Disaster

It’s great that we have an administration that cares about the climate. It’s also great that we have an information media that keeps us informed, so that when something goes wrong, we can make informed choices. What’s more, it’s great that we have such dependable infrastructure that can safely transport highly toxic materials.

Except when none of that is true.

If you live within 100 miles of East Palestine, Ohio, you might want to pay attention, because the story that’s being discussed might concern you. Give or take, depending on what the wind has been doing.

Last week, in the above mentioned town, a 50 car train carrying an assortment of toxic chemicals used in manufacturing had crashed. Fearing an explosion, officials preemptively set fire to the chemicals, causing them to disperse.

Read all about it.

If we have as many politicians as we do who pretend to give a care about rising sea levels, one might think they’d have something to say about an enormous spill of toxic chemicals into the environment. But it turns out that they’re just driving down the cost of beachfront property so they can buy it right up when it’s time to retire. It’s hard to come to any other conclusion when they join the corporate press in saying a whole lot of nothing about it.

And speaking of, some in the press who have attempted to cover the event have been arrested.

If I were to pretend to know a few things about chemistry, I think people would be able to see right through me. But I think it’s safe to say that the chemical cocktail that was dispersed into the atmosphere has the potential to break someone dead. Among the chemicals released was phosgene, which was used as a chemical warfare agent in WWI.

Reportedly, animals have been dying near the blaze, in some cases as far as 100 miles away. Which is cause for concern, as humans are made of the same stuff as animals. But hey, the EPA gave the all-clear for citizens of East Palestine to return to their homes. And who wouldn’t trust a three-letter agency of a government that isn’t much concerned about feminizing chemicals in the drinking water, or the fact that seed oils are ubiquitous in food?

As weird as all this is, it gets weirder when you consider that the residents of East Palestine are now living the plot of a drama that they helped produce.

Yep, that’s Adam Driver. And yes, this drama is about a train wreck dispensing chemicals into the environment, prompting a family to attempt to escape. And yes, the setting is East Palestine, Ohio, the very place where the real wreck had just occurred.

I like to think that I’m a rational individual, whose perceptions are firmly grounded in reality, and who knows the difference between fantasy and reality. I know how to parse reality, and recognize that fictional constructs ideally play no role in that process. But seeing these events play out so closely to a work of fiction, I can appreciate that that’s quite a thought-provoking coincidence.

Having seen all this, I’m curious as to how the crash happened. And perhaps we’d know, if it weren’t for the apparent media blackout. But that’s probably not as important as anyone nearby knowing whether they might want to grab their bug-out bags and run.

Get A Load of This: The Vaxxed Blame the Rest of Us For Not Warning Them

You know that one kid who, when the class was taking a quiz, the teacher would sit down next to her and help her through it? She now has a voice on the internet.

A writer at IQfy is now experiencing post-vax regret, and tried blaming those who warned her by pretending that they didn’t.

No, I’m not kidding. Here’s a link to the article in question.

As the world struggles to come to terms with the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, one question that continues to surface is why the unvaccinated didn’t do more to warn us about the potential dangers of being injected.

Could it be because it wasn’t their job? Or could it be that they, like myself, did warn you, and you ignored us? Or could it be that our warnings to you for your benefit were being actively suppressed?

Of course, it’s still possible that you’ve heard sufficient warning to discourage you from making the wrong move, but despite your belief in yourself as a free-thinker, you lacked the drive to inquire concerning the matter, and followed the crowd like a herd animal.

While well intending citizens lined up, did the right thing, and received their COVID19 vaccinations — now seeming to do more harm than good — their unvaccinated friends stood by and let them do it. Some of them said too little. Some said nothing at all.

Even though they knew what we didn’t.

Don’t get carried away. We did warn you. Not only that, you had access to the same information that we did. You just poo-pooed it, dismissing the warnings as the ramblings of conspiracy theorists.

Now that you got the mRNA vaccine, you’re finding out that it’s not turning you into Spider Man. Instead, it’s causing you problems, and in some cases, it’s killing people.

You laughed at the people who warned you. Now, we’re laughing right back.

Our blood is now on their hands.

Those are strong words. But the unvaccinated had access to important information about the potential side effects of vaccines. They knew about the risks of severe allergic reactions, blood clots, and other serious health complications. They knew that vaccines did not immunize us. They knew it wasn’t effective, and that they can cause more harm than good.

“Our blood is now on their hands.” The battle-cry of the deceived.

Here’s a better idea: rather than try to take it out on the people who tried to warn you, why don’t you instead put your blame on the people who stuck you, which is right where it belongs.

If all these professionals are so smart, they’re the ones who should have known better.

They knew all of that, but instead of warning us, the unvaccinated chose to remain silent. They chose to look the other way and not speak out about the potential dangers of vaccines. They let millions of good folks who did the right thing (at the time) fall to death and disease, and many antivaxxers even gloated online about how their coin flip had been the right bet. The more diabolical even urged folks they disagree with to “get boosted.”

It has become all too clear. The silence of the unvaccinated was a dangerous, sociopathic, and irresponsible decision that has had serious consequences for those of us who received the vaccinations.

And silence is, after all, consent.

I remember that those of us who knew what was going on wanted to warn you, but we were being threatened. We wanted to warn you, but the establishment was doing everything they could to make sure that you went through with it, even going as far as threatening to shut down the social media accounts of those who would warn you, denying us a voice. And they went as far as threatening our livelihoods and careers, denying us a paycheck, as a possible price to pay for trying to warn you.

You should be blaming the establishment, or at least owning up to your own choice, which you made with agency. But instead, you’re blaming the people who tried to warn you? And on top of that, you’re pretending that we did not?

It is time for the unvaccinated to take responsibility for their actions and to work with the rest of us to find a solution to this crisis. We cannot afford to let their selfishness and lack of action continue to harm our communities. It is time for the unvaccinated to step up and do the right thing.

It occurred to me that maybe you deserved it. When presented with a choice, you went with the untested injection. When people warned you, you either ignored them, ridiculed them, or participated in ostracizing them. Even if you did none of those things, you had access to the same information that we did, but you weren’t inquisitive enough to seek it out. You were careless about what went into you, and now you’re paying the price.

Of course, if someone refuses to exercise proper inquisitiveness, it’s just a matter of time, and a question of how. In the case of many like you, it was an inadvisable medical procedure. They could have just as soon dumped all the money they saved into NFTs. Or they could have had 6-11 servings of wheat per day because the food pyramid told them to. Or they might think they could make their car more energetic by adding Mountain Dew to the gas tank. Or they might pick a fight with someone who was on the sex-offender registry, only to get shot in the face. Or they might attempt an SQL injection, only to somehow destroy their own home network.

In this world, people do stupid things. And sometimes, they try to shift the blame to someone else for not warning them not to do it.

The unvaccinated should by any moral measuring stick have done more to warn about the potential risks — to help us make informed decisions about our health. And they must now ask us for our forgiveness.

And, hand to heart, we may just give it to them.

Aw, how very gracious of you. But you have it backwards. Do you really not remember how the vaxxed ignored the people who warned them? Do you not remember how the vaxxed shunned them and threatened their livelihoods?

And you think we need your forgiveness?

Because we are good people. We took those injections because it was the right thing to do — until it wasn’t.

You’re not, and it never was.

Stupid is not malicious, but that changes when it tries to divert the blame.

An Image To Describe 2022

Fine then, I’ll do what I’ve been doing, year after year, near the end of the year. I’ll post an image that I feel describes the year pretty well.

Like the last three years, I’m just going to be lazy and share something that I found by using the internet, without bothering to shop it:

A theory that has gained popularity in recent times is the Strauss-Howe generational theory, which suggests that major conflicts occur in cycles of 80 years. When applied to the USA, one can point out that roughly 78 years separates the Revolutionary War from the Civil War, and roughly 76 years separates the Civil War from America’s involvement in World War 2. It’s been roughly 77 years since the conclusion of World War 2, so proponents of the Strauss-Howe generational theory are buzzing with the possibility that we are heading towards another major conflict.

Of course, the idea that major conflicts occur because they abide by a schedule is silly. Therefore, there must be something different to which we can attribute this apparent pattern (of course, the similarity in difference in time between these events could be mere coincidence). One possibility is that the difference in time (about 80 years) is the time it takes for most of the members of a generation old enough to remember a conflict to pass away. And without the benefit of the memory of a major conflict, younger generations won’t appreciate the urgency of preventing a similar conflict from repeating itself.

While the generation that fought in World War 2 is held in high regard, the sad fact is, most of the lessons that the western world learned in its light has been forgotten. It’s generally agreed upon that the Nazi Party was bad, but in a cynically unconstructive manner, many of today’s politically involved try as hard as they can to paint their rivals with Hitler’s virtues. In distorting what the dictator was really about, they play a huge part in unlearning the lessons of the war. There is a certain irony in that, mere decades after the Socialism of Hitler’s National Socialist German Worker’s Party (Nazi Party, for short) was overcome, that countless pseudo-intellectuals tout the benefits of Socialism in coffee shops and college campuses, mainly because they don’t want to work. What’s more, while the same pseudo-intellectuals decry racism, they’re overlooking that Hitler’s racism was the end result of following Darwin’s ideas concerning natural selection to their consequence, an evolutionary theory that the same people accept without question.

One might wonder what would cause a major world conflict, especially in today’s age.

Today’s uninformed like to pretend that most major conflict that has occurred over the course of history has been over ideology, with atheists in particular believing religion to be the prime driver behind conflicts. However, most people who have ever lived that weren’t Muslim wouldn’t care whether someone far off were to bow, kneel, and scrape before some graven image N times a day, so long as they themselves got to live in peace. The fact is, most wars that have ever been fought have been fought over resources.

In light of the ongoing war in Ukraine, this winter could prove to be a tad difficult, particularly for Europe. For one thing, Ukraine and Russia are energy rich (with Ukraine’s energy sector having been of particular interest for the Biden administration). In light of tariffs on Russian oil and disruptions in Ukraine’s energy supply, Europe may find itself on a strict energy allocation for the next few months.

What’s more, Ukraine has been one of the world’s top exporters of wheat, and the top producer of wheat for Europe, aside from France and Russia, the latter being the world’s number 1 wheat exporter.

To illustrate, the following chart from Wikipedia shows countries listed by export of wheat:

Wheat is kind of a big deal, as wheat is used to make foods that are substantial in calories, and calories are one of the major sources of energy that humans use to live. If a substantial source of calories, such as wheat, comes to be in short supply, more people could end up going hungry. And when people go hungry, unrest is an anticipated result.

According to the Strauss-Howe generational theory, when a major conflict does erupt, it usually involves the most powerful weapons that are available at the time. Based on this reasoning, we might think that we might be looking at the prospect of nuclear war. During World War 2, atomic weapons were being developed, and a couple of them were deployed.

But are nuclear weapons really the most powerful weapons available? Or has the communication age changed the nature of warfare, to the point that information has become a more powerful weapon?

In times past, wars could be won by kinetically attacking the civilian population, which would then lose interest in war, and no longer want to support the war effort. Thus, it was of paramount importance that the armed forces defend the civilian population. Today, there’s no need to deploy a nuclear weapon, as to weaken a country is as easy as producing a steady stream of bullshit that is designed to systematically destroy people’s minds.

The fact is, we live in an age of fifth-generation warfare, which revolves around the use of cyberattacks, misinformation, and psyops. While Alex Jones has become the right’s butt-monkey, he did have a point when he pointed out that there is a war for your mind. State actors understand pretty well that a demoralized population is less likely to get behind its government, and would tend more towards subversive movements, which could unsettle standing dominant economic powers.

Considering all this, I think that 2023 might be an interesting year. If you live in a big city, and have the means to get out of it, it might be a good idea to do so.

Hey Pennsylvania, What Is Wrong With You?

The midterms are mostly over. Votes are still being counted, and Democrats are acting as though they’ve won just because they didn’t lose as catastrophically as they deserve. Georgia is looking at a runoff, and we’re still awaiting some results. No surprise there. There wasn’t much expectation that it would all go smoothly.

But what I’d like to zoom in on now is Pennsylvania. Oh, Pennsylvania. What is wrong with you?

I do live in Pennsylvania, so it’s not like some criticism from the outside looking in. But just because I’m here, doesn’t mean I know what the people here are thinking. Especially those to the left.

It’s not as though I don’t hear what they’re saying. Every now and then, one of them meanders out of one of our three major cities, expresses wonder and awe at all the “unused space”, then proceeds to bloviate about what he thinks makes a successful society.

But what I don’t have an explanation for is why about 2.6 million of them became party to sending John Fetterman to the Senate.

I know that it’s usually inspirational for a person who suffered from an illness to succeed in spite of that. However, when the illness leaves a person less capable of performing a task where many people are counting on him, then the better choice is to have someone else do the job.

The poor guy suffered from a stroke. During his debate with Dr. Oz, he could barely string a sentence together, and frequently failed to form a coherent response.

Were the Democrats of Pennsylvania simply unaware of this? A lot hinges on the answer to this question. Either the Dems were unaware of the capacity of their own candidate and were therefore uninformed voters, or they were so vote-blue-no-matter-who that they’d be happy to hand a rubber stamp to a seat warmer.

It’s not as though they’ve done Fetterman any favors. Can you imagine the unintelligible internal monologue of someone who has not fully recovered from a stroke? Can you imagine how confused and disoriented such a person would be as they are ushered from one place to another and told what to say?

Considering that the current presidential administration is basically Weekend At Bernie’s, I think we can say that a pattern has been established.

But as bad as that is, it gets worse. Democrat Tony DeLuca won reelection. In spite of being dead.

You may be wondering how a dead man found his way on the ballot. His passing occurred last month, at which point, it was too late to remove him from the ballot. It’s been decided that a special election will be held.

While it’s possible that DeLuca’s reelection was on similar reasoning as Fetterman’s (ignorance or sheer tribalism), it may be that the people voted for DeLuca in an effort to force a special election, not wanting the victory to go to his opponent, who was a third-party candidate.

Third-party candidates sure do have it rough. Their run for office is usually little more than a cynic’s quest. Unless there’s some prize to be won for throwing tons of time and money into an endeavor that ends up going nowhere.

In any case, it’s refreshing to see the Democratic voting base so accurately represented.

The UN Yeeted An Op-Ed Touting Benefits of World Hunger After It Trended


Yesterday, an article published by the U.N. touting the benefits of world hunger (for the ruling elites) had caught my attention. As I read the article for myself, I anticipated it to wind up with “just kidding” or “this is sarcasm”.

The short essay concluded with no such indication, and came off as sincere advocacy for exploitation of the hungry. The article was originally published in 2008, but resurfaced at a time when global food shortages were anticipated.

As you might have expected, the moment the connected world took notice, it started trending. Then, the U.N. yeeted the article from their page, never to be seen or heard from again. Rest in peace, you beautiful bastard.

Just kidding. The article was archived, so you can still read it. Once something is on the internet, it’s up forever.

Consider what author George Kent had posted from the perspective of an employer. For many employers, particularly the unethical ones, it’s considered a dream come true when there are hundreds of applicants for each position, with each one willing to do the job for minimal compensation. I’ve seen a supervisor tell his crew as much.

Kent makes a point when he points out that there are exploitative relationships that aren’t legally classified as slavery. When a low-skill worker attempts to live off minimum wage, they usually have to endure whatever they have to with their employer, because they live hand-to-mouth, and can’t afford to miss a paycheck.

If this scenario hits close to home, perhaps the best advice I could give is to try to get into a skilled trade. A person could get into plumbing or masonry or what-have-you with relative ease by seeking out an apprenticeship, which is usually paid. If there is a career center near you, they might be able to set you up with an opportunity.

If you’re wondering whether the article was serious, here’s the U.N. on Twitter, assuring us that it was satire:

Oh, yes. Satire. Seems legit.

Does it really not occur to the U.N. that they’re central figures to conspiracy theories all over the world? Or that many people all over the world are literal-minded? Or that sarcasm is not carried very well with the written word, especially when something is translated (something that has a high potential of happening with their articles)?

Of course, when the article was first published (in current-year-minus-fourteen), the author likely didn’t anticipate that everyone would be on edge in the face of global food shortages.

But in an odd way, Kent may have provided us with a warning of exploitation that can be expected in the months to come. Those of us in the first world wouldn’t have it so bad, but things can get really nasty in places where food shortages were already a problem.

Don’t be hard on the author, as his article was written in a different time (and could have used more indication that it was satire).

But, in any case, food shortages are anticipated. Are you doing what you reasonably can to prepare?